EMC has come out with some new programs that only a select few loan modification companies can offer you. Basically, all you have to do is call them up and give them some basic information. They can then call your lender and see if you qualify for the program. If you do qualify, you will most likely get an immediate reduction of your mortgage payments. This is usually somewhere around 20 to 30%.
Sometimes you can get your loan modified right away and other times you will get the immediate payment reduction. You will have to make these new lower payments for atleast 3 consecutive months. After that period of time, you are guaranteed a full modification of your loan.
This is a great program and one that no other lender has right now that I know of. If you have an EMC loan and you are struggling to make your payments, you should definitely take advantage of this.
You will learn if you qualify, what your interst rate will be and what your payment will be all before you have to pay for any service fees. This way, you can make an informed financial decision and decide if this is the right move for you and your family.
Most loan modification services out there take upfront payments without telling you anything and then you have to wait months before you even get the final outcome. You could even wait months to find out that your loan modification is not going to go through. With this program, you won't have to go through any of this stress. You can immediately reduce your payments and save your home!
To learn more about this exciting EMC loan modification program, just visit the lnks below!
instant-loan-modification dot com is the site.