Most of the time these fees are legitimate, but some lenders do charge more for the same service. And, charge for services that are provided free by others.
The major problems with Mortgage Loan fees fall into two groups: Those that were not adequately explained or understood. And those that were deliberately not discussed prior to closing, in fear that they might cause the borrower to back out of the loan.
The lender is responsible for providing the borrower with a "good faith estimate" which includes the approximate costs of all the refinance fees. Anything on this document that is not understood should be brought to the immediate attention of the lender for explanation. This is really the key to avoiding most surprises at closing.
Before we get to actual closing costs, let me explain the "NO CLOSING COST REFINANCE" San Diego Home Mortgage.
With the economy like it is today, a lot of folks don't really have enough extra cash to pay the refinance fees without placing a strain on their budget, so the no closing cost concept has become popular. The costs are exactly the same. The advantage is that you can add your closing costs into the loan.
Of course there is a disadvantage to not paying them up front, and that is that you pay interest on them over the entire term of the loan.
The cost of all items listed on a settlement sheet will vary from lender to lender and depending on your geographical location.
The settlement sheet is divided in to two parts: The "prepaids" which are the costs of doing business with the lender and the "actuals" which are the hard money costs involved.
The actual costs may include: Appraisal Fee Credit report Flood insurance premium, if required Abstract or title search Title insurance premium Filing Fee Termite inspection, if required Survey, if required
Prepaids that you might encounter: Loan origination fee Points or Buy down costs Prepaid interest Mortgage insurance Commitment fee Tax service fee Inspection fee Assumption fee Underwriting fee Processing fee Settlement or Closing fee Flood certification
Again, a lot of the listed items may not affect you depending on your lender and your unique situation. But read everything until you understand it, and if it doesn't make any sense to you, or is unacceptable, contact your lender and make them satisfy your concerns.
By following these simple steps, San Diego Home Mortgage refinance fees won't elicit any blood curdling screams from you at closing.
And , as always, I recommend that everybody get multiple rate quotes before deciding on which lender to use.
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