With record numbers of Americans out of work and a dearth of bad home loans banks no longer look at foreclosure as a viable option when looking to recoup lost money on defaulted mortgages. It is now in their best interest to help borrowers stay in their homes. In fact, the government in giving banks financial incentives to help home owners meet their mortgage payments.
A first and logical step is to refinance your home loan into a better one with lower interest rates and smaller monthly payments. You will have to go through a rather lengthy progress but in the end you could be in a much better place financially.
Your first step is to contact your lender, or go online and begin researching available options. This information is available to anyone who wants it. If you are new to this process and don't feel confident then call your lending institution and ask for help. If you are internet savvy, get online and start typing in the questions you want to answer.
Once you have made that initial contact and have a starting point you are ready to go. Getting your financial information together will be your next task. You will need all of your loan information as well as your credit score and an overall picture of your debt to income ratio. You will need to impress upon them that you are worried about foreclosure and need to explore refinance options. In this economy it is pretty much guaranteed that your bank will work with you to begin this process.
If you are worrying about losing your home, sitting and doing nothing about it will not reduce your monthly payment, get you a lower rate or put cash into your hand. Taking action will get you started on your path to financial freedom. There are many types of loans, a variety of available rates and terms and many payment options that you can have access to. Knowing your options and taking action on them will set you on the right path.
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